The first success of the Apollo Mission celebrated on 20 July

The day when the man walked among the stars

On 20 July the humankind flew among the stars. Every year, this date is celebrated as the day when the man made the first step on some other ground in the space.

Six hours after the lunar module called “The Hawk” had been launched, Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon. In the years to follow, his famous words: this is one small step for me, but a giant step for the mankind, will be cited in many occasions. The two astronauts, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Oldryn spent 21 hours on the Moon, from where they brought tens of thousands of kilograms moon rocks. However, it was not just the rocks they brought – it was the history they brought the world appreciates most. The humankind separated itself from its mother planet and many efforts have been made since then to develop the technology and the researches in the universe. Anyway, this historic walk on the Moon is very often related to the events on the Earth and the “actual’ problems and processes that are going on the Earth. The discrepancy between the fact that people can conquer the universe, but cannot solve the problems of hunger, poverty and the fatal diseases on the Earth, between the fact that on one hand the man appears as a conqueror of other planets and on the other hand there are people who fight for the basic human rights, is huge. However, apart from all that, the first step on the Moon will always be a symbol of the research spirit, the progress of the human brain, the knowledge, the science and the technological development, as well as the eternal effort to fly high and meet the unknown.

