Wednesday, June 05, 2013


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Statement of the civic organisations


Macedonian Center for International Cooperation (MCIC), Humanitarian Organisation “El Hilal”, Movement against Disability “Polio Plus”, the National Council of the Women of the Republic of Macedonia (NSZM-SOZM), Humanitarian and Charitable Association of Roma “Mesecina” from Gostivar, Association of Citizens OXO and Association for Democratic Initiatives (ADI) from Gostivar express their opinion on the Euro-Atlantic integration of the Republic of Macedonia with the common stance: “Macedonia and Euro-Atlantic integration”.

Having in mind the principles of the international law, including the right for self-identification; Having in mind the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia; Confident that answers to issues should always be sought through an open and continuous dialogue, founded on mutual respect and trust, We, the representatives of the civil society organizations, express the following opinion:


Macedonia integrated in Euro-Atlantic structures
Macedonia and its citizens have reached a consensus on the need for membership in the European Union (EU) and NATO. Macedonia has made significant progress in undertaking reforms and developing its relations with the EU and NATO, with the ultimate goal of accession therein. The status as a candidate – country is proof of our achievements.

Efforts for national consensus and internal cohesion – continuing dialogue among all
During this period of time of bringing a decision for Euro-Atlantic integration of Macedonia, we request from the President of the State, the Government and the Parliament to uphold the level of national consensus and lead the process of reaching a common solution.
The political dialogue and the dialogue among all citizens in Macedonia, lead to internal cohesion and represent an answer to the inter-ethnic challenges. Thus, we are committed to further implementation of the Ohrid Framework Agreement. The civil society organizations are prepared to actively support the dialogue and consensus building.

Macedonia, right for self-identification, not a dispute
Greece challenges the right of Macedonia to choose freely its name although there are several countries in Europe, such as Luxembourg and Moldavia, with historical names which are identical to the names of territories in neighboring countries.
The right for self-identification cannot be disputed.

Macedonia and Greece – policy of force or partners for prosperity
Macedonia, for the sake of good relations with its neighbor, Greece, made several significant concessions, such as change of the national flag and adoption of constitutional amendments that confirm the absence of any territorial demands in neighboring countries.
The only concession made by Greece was the acceptance of Macedonia in the UN.
The Interim Accord from 1995 led to a significant progress in the bilateral relations between Macedonia and Greece.
Demand for further concessions from Macedonia, by extortion, does not contribute to good neighbor relations and mutual respect between Macedonia and Greece.
Greece should make an effort to declare its respect for Macedonia by adopting a statement for accepting the ethnic Macedonian identity in Macedonia, Macedonian culture and language.
Both Greece and Macedonia should express critical distance from the history of Ancient Macedonia, as universal value.
Macedonia should demand the substitution of the contemporary reference in the UN (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) without changing the Constitution and without applying this solution in relations to other countries.

Mutual respect for all neighbors
Macedonia will continue its good relations with all neighbors. This can be reiterated by adoption of declarations for good relations with all neighbors.
Macedonia should continue with its strong support to the endeavors made by the UN, EU and NATO in the region, including the Ahtisaari plan, for reason of safeguarding its national interests and developing good relations with the neighbors.

Macedonia deserves the NATO invitation and should focus on the start of negotiations with the EU
Macedonia has proved its commitment to the alliance through undertaking tough reforms and support to NATO, the EU and UN missions.
Macedonia deserves the NATO membership invitation.
Macedonia should continue with its strong commitment for start of the negotiations and endeavors for EU membership.

Skopje, March 26th 2008

  • Macedonian Center for International Cooperation (MCIC)
  • Humanitarian organization “El Hilal”
  • Polio Plus – Movement Against Disability
  • National Council of Women of the Republic of Macedonia (NCWRM – SOZM)
  • Humanitarian and Charitable Association of Roma “Mesecina” - Gostivar
  • Association of Citizens OXO
  • Association for Democratic Initiatives (ADI) – Gostivar
Job Vacancies

“Give pleasure to your boss!!!”
These days, a new commercial about a new coffee brand appeared on TV. I presume you’ve already seen it. A secretary slips when bringing coffee to her boss, slides down his desk on her stomach to stop in front of him with the coffee in her hand? I am not sure how you react to it, but after I had seen it for the first time I was left with my mouth open. It was a mixed feeling of bewilderment, sickness, disbelief…how could somebody think of something like that? How could nobody react to this commercial?
“Mesecina” and “Arka” work on registering adults
People are born for the second time after obtaining personal documents
Bari, Alisa, Dzejlan and a list of other names are just some of the examples for successful work of the Roma information centers of the humanitarian organization Mesecina from Gostivar. Despite being adults, they have recently been given their first birth certificate and have practically been born for the second time.
Civic resistance for the restarting of the melting plant in Veles
The Green Coalition insists on dislocating the polluter
It was so alive on 16 February in Veles! The event “Veleska pastrmajlija” was taking place at the pizza-bar “Snoopy”. The event has a special purpose – collecting money for the Children Ward at the Town Hospital. The action was organized by the “Focus” Foundation, in cooperation with the municipality of Veles.
Expeditio, Kotor, Montenegro
Our vision is a quality space for better life
We decided to make an unusual interview with three people, as they themselves are unusual, as well as the association they are members of. Aleksandra Kapetanovic, Biljana Gligorovic and Tatjana Rajic are three young architects, who dedicate their creativity, knowledge and enthusiasm to cultural heritage, architecture, spatial planning and the civic sector in Montenegro, particularly focused on Boka Kotorska and its surroundings.
Violeta Tanceva – Zlateva
My attitude towards the language
“People who are of the same origin and who speak the same words and who live and make friends of each other, who have the same customs and songs and entertainment are what we call a nation, and the place where that people lives is called the people's country. Thus the Macedonians also are a nation and the place which is theirs is called Macedonia.”
Armenian community in the Republic of Macedonia
About 110 families cherish both the Armenian and the Macedonian culture
The genesis of the Armenian communities on the territory of today’s Macedonia goes back to the medieval times as can be proved by the numerous papers, traveling notes by foreign travelers who stayed or passed through the towns where among other nations, lived the Armenians.

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