Wednesday, June 05, 2013


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On May 9, 2007, MCIC has promoted the publication “Guidebook for Civil Society Organizations – European Union Funding Sources”. The Guidebook is a result of the training on fund raising delivered as part of the project “Partnership in Action – Strengthening the Balkan Network of Civil Society”. The promotion was held as part of the European Day of Entrepreneur. The publication was promoted by Nafi Saracini, representative of the Delegation of the European Commission in Skopje. Around 30 representatives of the civil society organizations, private sector, local governments and media attended the promotion.
The European Commission is Europe’s largest donor. It is estimated that 1 billion Euro (out of a total budget of about 100 billion Euro) is available for NGO projects, and even that is the tip of the iceberg. A lot has been done over the last decade by NGO’s themselves to enlarge a budget focused more on economic policies to practically every area of activity generated by CSOs. The issue is therefore, not an absence of programmes or funds. They cover a very wide range of action. Practically any project which has a genuinely European dimension and can be linked to EU policies should find a corresponding fund. The issue lies more in having a good strategy to access the EU budget. This Guide was prepared with the aim to overcome this gap and is a pioneering attempt in providing complete and up-to-date information and access to EU funding instrument relevant for CSOs in the region and wider.

The publication was prepared by the European Citizen Action Services (ECAS), Brussels, Belgium and published by  the Macedonian Center for International Cooperation (MCIC), the Secretariat of the network. Ecumenical Humanitarian Organization (EHO), Serbia, and  the Albanian Civil Society Foundation (ACSF), Albania, members of BCSDN, contributed to the publication with translations into local languagues. The guide has in total 262 pages and gives an overview of information scattered through the websites of different General Directorates of European Commission  in one place in a concise manner. 

Balkan Civic Practices  is a periodical publication and is published once to twice a year. Every issue contains articles on a focus theme and related topics, based on previously held  seminar/workshop/training on the same topic. The selection of topics is done by the network. Additional to the English edition, the publication is available in three regional languages (Albanian, Serbian/Croatian, and Macedonian).  Electronic versions of local editions are available from the BCSDN website. Hard copies are available upon request.

Job Vacancies

“Give pleasure to your boss!!!”
These days, a new commercial about a new coffee brand appeared on TV. I presume you’ve already seen it. A secretary slips when bringing coffee to her boss, slides down his desk on her stomach to stop in front of him with the coffee in her hand? I am not sure how you react to it, but after I had seen it for the first time I was left with my mouth open. It was a mixed feeling of bewilderment, sickness, disbelief…how could somebody think of something like that? How could nobody react to this commercial?
“Mesecina” and “Arka” work on registering adults
People are born for the second time after obtaining personal documents
Bari, Alisa, Dzejlan and a list of other names are just some of the examples for successful work of the Roma information centers of the humanitarian organization Mesecina from Gostivar. Despite being adults, they have recently been given their first birth certificate and have practically been born for the second time.
Civic resistance for the restarting of the melting plant in Veles
The Green Coalition insists on dislocating the polluter
It was so alive on 16 February in Veles! The event “Veleska pastrmajlija” was taking place at the pizza-bar “Snoopy”. The event has a special purpose – collecting money for the Children Ward at the Town Hospital. The action was organized by the “Focus” Foundation, in cooperation with the municipality of Veles.
Expeditio, Kotor, Montenegro
Our vision is a quality space for better life
We decided to make an unusual interview with three people, as they themselves are unusual, as well as the association they are members of. Aleksandra Kapetanovic, Biljana Gligorovic and Tatjana Rajic are three young architects, who dedicate their creativity, knowledge and enthusiasm to cultural heritage, architecture, spatial planning and the civic sector in Montenegro, particularly focused on Boka Kotorska and its surroundings.
Violeta Tanceva – Zlateva
My attitude towards the language
“People who are of the same origin and who speak the same words and who live and make friends of each other, who have the same customs and songs and entertainment are what we call a nation, and the place where that people lives is called the people's country. Thus the Macedonians also are a nation and the place which is theirs is called Macedonia.”
Armenian community in the Republic of Macedonia
About 110 families cherish both the Armenian and the Macedonian culture
The genesis of the Armenian communities on the territory of today’s Macedonia goes back to the medieval times as can be proved by the numerous papers, traveling notes by foreign travelers who stayed or passed through the towns where among other nations, lived the Armenians.

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